What is meant by a specific foreign adoptive child? Famous law firm in family in Vietnam offers some information for reference.
An specific adopted child with a foreign element is understood to be a predetermined predator. More specifically, when foreigner A adopts a child in Vietnam and specifies that the adoptee is a B, then B is the foster child whose name is foreign and the adoption of A is B.
However, this is not in any given case. Under the Law on Adoption 2010, Article 28, Clause 2 regulated the condition of specific adoption. There are 05 cases where Vietnamese residing overseas or foreigners permanently residing in foreign country are identified for specific adoption as follows:
“2. Overseas Vietnamese, foreigners permanently residing abroad may adopt a specific child in the following cases:
a. He/she is the step father or step mother of the to-be-adopted child;
b. He/she is the natural aunt or uncle of the to-be-adopted child;
c. He/she has adopted a child who is a sibling of the to-be-adopted child;
d. He/she adopts a child who is disabled or infected with HIV/AIDS or another dangerous disease;
e. He/she is a foreigner currently working or studying in Vietnam for at least 1 year;”
If you belong to one of the five cases, you are allowed to adopt a specifice child with foreign elements. The necessary documents for the adoption process includes:
a. A written request for adoption;
b. A copy of the passport or a valid substitute paper;
c. A written permission for adopting a person in Vietnam:
d. A completed questionnaire on psychology and family;
e. A health certificate;
f. An income and property certificate;
g. A judicial record sheet:
h. A written certification of the marital status;
i. Adocument evidencing the case of adoption of a specific child
Dossiers of persons introduced for adoption by foreigners
a. Birth certificate
b. Health certificate
c. 02 photograph with total boby, straight sight within 06 months
d. Document on the remarkable characteristics, hobbies and habits of the child:
e. Others depending the case
It should be noted that some documents of foreigners need to be certified/consularized before being brought back to Vietnam. The applicant's dossier shall be made in two sets and submitted to the Ministry of Justice through the central agency for adoption of the country where the adopting person resides permanently or submiited directly to the Ministry of Justice.
To answer your questions as quickly as possible, Dragon Law is always available to support you through the steps of a specific foreign adoption process at adoption hotline 1900.599.979.
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Office: FL4.6, Khanh Hoi Bldg, Lot 2/3C, Le Hong Phong Str., Ngo Quyen Dist., Hai Phong