Dragon Law Firm
Hanoi Lawyers Association

Dragon Law Firm

Penal Code Type document: Other documents

Treaty between South Korea and Vietnam for Transfer of Sentenced Persons 2010

Treaty between South Korea and Vietnam for Transfer of Sentenced Persons 2010

Update: 20/12/2016

Dragon Law Firm specialized in International Treaty Consultation Services in Vietnam will support our value Clients with high experience lawyers

Treaty on Extradition between South Korea and Vietnam 2005

Treaty on Extradition between South Korea and Vietnam 2005

Update: 20/12/2016

The Republic of Korea and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam would like to provide for more effective cooperation between the two countries in the prevention and suppression of crime, and to facilitate relations between the two countries in the area of extradition …

Treaty between Vietnam and Thailand on Transfer Sentenced Persons and Co-operation in Enforcement of Penal Sentences 2010

Treaty between Vietnam and Thailand on Transfer Sentenced Persons and Co-operation in Enforcement of Penal Sentences 2010

Update: 19/12/2016

Treaty between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the United Kingdom of Thailand on the Sentenced Persons and on Co-operation in the Enforcement of Penal Sentences

Treaty between Vietnam and UK on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters 2009

Treaty between Vietnam and UK on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters 2009

Update: 19/12/2016

Treaty between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters in force from September 30, 2009.

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